Thursday, October 22, 2009

First Things First

Before I begin this journey of sharing my thoughts on college ministry, I want to begin with something that a friend told me right out of the gates when I first got the job. It was so simple that I actually brushed it off at the time. Not that I disagreed, just that I felt there were so many important things I needed to learn if I was really going to be successful. But after eight years, I think his words carry more weight than ever.

He summed it up quite well when he said, "The single most important thing you can do for your students is to spend time with the Lord every day." You might be nodding casually just as I did, thinking, "Yeah yeah yeah, I already know that." Sure you know that. We know lots of things. But does that truth live itself out daily in your life?

I know all too well how easy it is to get busy with plans and programs and meetings and people and begin to skimp or completely squeeze out time with the Lord. I also know it can be dry and seem unfulfilling at times, but no matter what there is value in daily saturating yourself in the word of God and taking time to pour your heart out to Him.

I believe I got this phrase from Tim Elmore, who once described this leadership challenge as "The Starving Baker." Far too often I've felt that was a perfect picture of me: so busy preparing spiritual food for others that I didn't take time to properly feed myself.

You might be able to survive that way for a short while, but unless you continually draw near to the Lord, you won't have anything worthwhile to give to others. Make sure that's the number one priority - not just in your mind, but in the reality of your daily schedule.


  1. Really excited to see your blog - great first post! Thanks for "blogrolling" mine, too.

    Also excited for 2 college ministry blogs from the same campus. Hopefully I'll get to come visit you guys sooner rather than later...

  2. Thanks Jason! Looking forward to more of these.
